sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011
Ponto de Venda - Nestlé 90 anos - Andorinha
segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011
Artigo Externo - IAB lista boas práticas digitais
sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011
Lançados os tênis de De Volta para o Futuro, e outros comerciais.
sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011
Artigo Externo - Os maiores erros que os profissionais de marketing cometem no Facebook, segundo Mark Zuckerberg
- Entender o valor de um fã no Facebook é muito... (Esta matéria continua aqui)
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
Publicidade com Shadow Art
Identidade Corporativa - uso das formas na identidade visual de empresas
quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011
Doritos Uncut: Suas histórias no Facebook criando vida.
A nova ação de Doritos envolve a rede social Facebook. Em até 15 posts do Facebook, com até 140 caracteres cada, conte uma história com a ajuda dos amigos, e peça para seus conhecidos curtirem.
Ao final de cada dia, a história finalizada mais curtida é transformada em storyboard.
No final da promoção, o storyboard mais curtido será produzido em animação, e inscrito em alguns festivais de animação ao redor do mundo.
O dono da história vencedora vai ganhar uma viagem para conhecer Hollywood com mais 2 amigos.
Saiba mais na página no Facebook e no canal no YouTube.
domingo, 17 de julho de 2011
quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011
É o dia do rock!!!!! Dia de escutar coisas legais!! Veja abaixo e dê o play!
domingo, 10 de julho de 2011
Artigo Externo - Profissionais de evento terão certificação internacional
Artigo Externo - Criação no Twitter para conseguir emprego
Os designers holandeses Bas Van de Poel e Daan van Dam, usaram o Twitter de uma maneira criativa para conseguir um trabalho. Eles apostaram em uma ferramenta importante da rede social: os seguidores.
De olho em uma oportunidade de emprego em alguma agência durante o verão, os dois profissionais criaram cinco contas de Twitter com imagens que descreviam a palavra “H-I-R-E-U-S”, ou “Contrate-nos”. Eles então passaram a seguir uma série de diretores de criação, tentando uma espécie de truque para que os perfis de “Hire Us” chamassem a atenção na tela desses diretores. A Boondoggle Amsterdam’s acabou contratando os dois.
Esta matéria continua aqui.
Vi no Meio e Mensagem.
segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011
A Coca-Cola inventou o Papai Noel e... oh, wait!
terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011
Artigo Externo - Coca-Cola apresenta outdoor com plantas
segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011
sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011
Artigo Externo - Como desenvolver anúncios criativos - Dicas Valiosas
A perfect and the best creative advertising is the one that makes the viewer look twice on your advertisement. We all know that it is indeed a very busy world and no one has enough time to stop and look at your creativity. Print advertisements are bit different than other means of promotion i.e. flyers, brochures, postcards, business cards, posters, booklets or calendars that mostly have a lot of content that communicates the message well. On the other hand, press ads are highly based on crisp and creativity. The creative element in your ads needs to speak for itself and should capture the attention of your viewers instantly. When it comes to advertising, being creative is not enough. You need to have good communication skills as well to be able to see your creativity.
As a designer or a concept writer, you need to follow a few guidelines in order to be able to do creative advertising successfully. Even campaigns that include rack card printing can be spiced up with eye catching graphics. Let us take a look at a few tested guidelines for creative advertising:
Simplicity is the Best Policy
In any field, going over the top is never a good idea. Even if you are a creative person, you do not have to add your creativity at every step as it might not give a very good look together. Simplicity has to be the most important thing but it is the most ignored thing by most of the creative people. In order to make everything perfect, people tend to go over the board and then even the creativity does not make sense. Simple things can catch the visitor’s attention too. So, while you are thinking for an advertising campaign, make sure you keep things simple yet attractive.
Product or Benefit
A visitor or viewer would only want to buy your product if he sees some sort of benefit in that product for him. While you are making an advertising campaign, make sure that your creativity sells the benefits of the product and not the product. Making your product look all fancy and high profile will obviously grab the attention of the viewer however, the whole purpose of advertising is to be able to sell your product and that can be done only if you highlight the benefits of the product.
Your ad should be self explanatory and make sure that it has that element which would keep the interest of audience alive in your product.
Luxury vs. Need
You need to advertise your product in a way so that it comes across as a need to your audience and not as a luxury. If you are aware of Maslow’s hierarchy you would be able to do this without any issue. Also, you need to give some sort of relevance to the viewers. They will buy your product if the benefits are relevant to their needs and this is what Maslow’s hierarchy was all about. Provide viewers what they need and keep in mind their physiological needs, social needs, emotional needs, security needs and any other needs that your product could relate to.
Get Famous People Involved
At times, fans do buy things just because their favorite superstar was in the advertisement. This is one of the best ways to sell your product by involving a superstar in your advertising campaign. Any advertisement that involves a superstar is bound to get more attention and viewers than other ads. While switching channels, a viewer will stop to a channel where he sees a superstar and will view your advertisement anyway. With a common model, you cannot get this kind of attention from audience. So if you want to be heard, get a famous personality to model for your advertising.
Importance of Colors
Audiences do not like to see dull advertisements on TV channels or in magazines. At times colors can become identification of the brands for instance red color is mostly associated with red color. It does not matter if you making a commercial for TV or if you are advertising in print media, you need to use bold and beautiful colors to make your ad look beautiful and to grab the attention as well. Another good example of color association is Fanta and its orange color. You can get plenty of such examples so make sure that your product is of a strong and bold color which can attract viewers and can become a representation of your brand. Moreover, colors impact the printing of the advertisement as well.
Delivering Information in Bounds of Creativity
Obviously, your product has a lot of benefits that you would like audiences to know. However, you need to make sure that you deliver information in a correct manner. Revealing benefits one by one and revealing the important ones first would be a good way to deliver the information to your audience and that too in a correct way.
Also, make sure that you deliver the correct message which is easy to understand. Highlight the important benefits of your product initially and then you can get into details. This way audience will know the best qualities of your product.
Avoid Overlapping Messages
The message of your product should be clear and direct. Any sort of information which is over lapping can be confusing for audience and it could end up making a negative impact on your product. Be very clear about your messages and avoid taglines with hidden messages. You can even use specific words or other things to support your product and message. Taglines are an important part of any product so your tagline should be relevant, direct and clear so that it is easy for people to understand what your product is all about.
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011
Artigo Externo - Dicas e truques para o design de um ótimo pôster de filme
Movie Industry is a huge industry throughout the world. Since movies are a great way to earn huge revenues, marketing movies in a proper way is way too important. Now, when we are talking about marketing and movies, these days, movies are being promoted in various styles and techniques. When it comes to marketing, huge movie posters play a very important part in promoting the movie. Also, posters are supposed to be designed really carefully because you have to convey a lot in very less.
Designing a great movie poster is not at all an easy task. As a designer of the poster, you really need to get involved in concept of the movie so that you are successfully able to portray it on the poster. Here are a few elements that you need to keep in mind while designing a poster so that you can say what you really want about the movie through your movie poster. Poster printing is fun with a great design.
Grabbing the Attention Should Be Your Priority
The first and most important thing that you need to keep in mind while creating a movie poster is that it should have the elements to attract the attention of the passer in a few seconds. Now, when I say you need to grab the attention, it does not mean that you should over do the poster. You need to grab positive attention and for that you need to avoid flashy pictures and annoying graphics.
Since you would be aware of the story, your poster should show some of the plot of movie and leave the rest to the imagination of your viewers. So, whenever you are designing a movie poster you need to keep in mind the important elements of the movie and then cash them in a poster.
Show Little, Hide Little
Your movie poster should show the theme of your movie but it should not reveal the suspense or the story. You can always use imagery to show little and hide little. Images are a great way to attract the attention of the movie goers. If you want to create an interest at once, you need to focus on using great, attractive images. This works the best for horror and suspense movies. If it is a romantic movie, you can always put an image of a very important scene in the movie or a quote a beautiful dialog from the movie which can later on become a tagline for your movie.
Give Your Viewers a Reason
Your poster should always have some mystery attached to it. As said earlier, you cannot reveal the entire story so leave viewers with thoughts of what’s going to happen in the movie. By creating suspense, you are giving your viewers an inception to go and watch the movie after it has been released. You can always take a still from the movie which can increase the interest of your audience. These few things in your poster can obviously do wonders for your movie.
Your Poster Should Also Attract Non-Fans
Since you will be having huge pictures of stars on the posters, you would automatically be capturing their fans attentions instantly. However, your true creativity is to gain attention of people who are not fans of the stars and your poster should convince them to come and watch the movie even if it does not have their most favorite actors. However, the actors of the movies are the most important things in the movie so you need to highlight them anyway in your poster.
Essentials of a Movie Poster
It doesn’t matter how big the movie or movie stars are. You would still need to have a few essentials in your poster that you cannot let go of at any condition. When you are designing a poster, make sure it has something that would stay in viewers mind for a long time. To be precise, have something in your poster which is memorable. Adding key points of your movie is necessary. Also, whatever message your movie has, it should be properly conveyed to the audience. Typography is an important factor so, do not ignore it ever.
The movie, poster, DVD cover and everything related to a movie should have consistency in it. Do not make a poster which appears totally different from the movie appearance or will be different from the DVD cover. People relate these movies with these posters so you need to make a poster which shows consistency. Not only this, your poster should have images from the movie and of actors so that people can actually connect with the story when they will go to watch the movie.
Este artigo continua aqui.
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011
Artigo Externo - TV Cultura não quer ser museu
Nessa entrevista, Sayad explica sobre o processo de reestruturação da equipe e da infraestrutura da emissora pública e também defende a abertura dos espaços para a veiculação de produções independentes.
MEIO & MENSAGEM ›› Missão da TV Cultura
JOÃO SAYAD ›› Acho a missão da TV Cultura semelhante à da BBC, de Londres, que é trazer programas de qualidade para um público cada vez maior. Não temos nenhuma pretensão de ensinar as pessoas a ter bom gosto, mas sim de apresentar programas diferentes, dentro da nossa realidade de instituição pública, com restrição de custos e muitas limitações, sobretudo na captação de recursos publicitários.
MEIO & MENSAGEM ›› Ações do primeiro ano
JOÃO SAYAD ›› Durante esse tempo nós já mexemos na grade duas vezes. No ano passado fizemos duas modificações na grade. Em setembro de 2010 nós lançamos 15 atrações, entre as quais a Mostra Internacional de Cinema, por exemplo. Na segunda rodada, que foi o lançamento da grade agora em abril de 2011, trouxemos 30 novas atrações, com uma nova vinheta (criada pela AlmapBBDO), nova trilha sonora, feita pelo João Marcelo Bôscoli e diversos programas novos, dos mais variados – tanto para a área infantil, como também no jornalismo, artes, documentários, etc.
MEIO & MENSAGEM ›› Audiência
JOÃO SAYAD ›› Nossa busca pela audiência não é igual à das TVs comerciais, que precisam do Ibope para obter retorno. Nós temos uma equipe que é completamente apaixonada pela TV Cultura e que faz coisas com muito empenho e qualidade, para serem vistas. Se não quiséssemos ser vistos, nós seriamos um museu de imagem e de som, fazendo programas importantes que ficam no arquivo.
MEIO & MENSAGEM ›› Destaques da grade
JOÃO SAYAD ›› Um pilar de grande importância para nós é o jornalismo e, nesse quesito, o Roda Viva é a jóia da nossa coroa. Fora isso, no início do ano também compramos vários comentários de excelente qualidade, como o Deu a Louca na História, Sangue Latino, entre outros. Também temos o Festival Infantil de Longas, o Cultura Retrô, que é apresentado pela Marina Person, alem das atrações infantis, que ainda são nosso carro-chefe.
MEIO & MENSAGEM ›› Programação Infantil
JOÃO SAYAD ›› Temos onze horas diárias da nossa programação direcionadas às crianças. Em abril lançamos o Quintal da Cultura. Temos onze horas diárias da nossa programação direcionadas às crianças. Em abril lançamos o Quintal da Cultura. Para o futuro, estamos com um projeto de produzir novos episódios do Vila Sésamo, com um modelos de negócio que teria o apoio do Ministério da Educação (MEC), da TV Brasil e da TV Escola. Começamos a conversar agora sobre isso.
Vi no Meio e Mensagem.
sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011
domingo, 5 de junho de 2011
Artigo Externo - Conheça as estratégias da Pet Center Marginal
A empresa, que tem dez unidades espalhadas pelo estado de São Paulo e pretende abrir outras duas até o fim de 2011, diz ter crescido 23% ano passado e prevê alta do faturamento de até 30% para este ano.
segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011
"E se tudo usasse gasolina?" - campanhas da Nissan e Renault